Doer Of Things  
Vacation Spring 2003
Day 7-01
Friday 05/02/03        
Dick Sutphen's Sedona Psychic Seminar Spring 2003. There were two others the seminar that came along to help Madeleine and Patrick. Click here for a link to the Sutphen Seminars.

Why am I here? Once upon a time I needed this. Late July in 1990 or '91, I think, I almost never left Sedona that time. Ever since I have been coming back every year or two for a recharge. I love it here!
Sitting here in the breakfast snack bar at the motel I see people that look like they are from all over the world. There are too many people for the small room. I have left to go outside to a table. Hummm...No one out here. It is nice out here. No kids. No People. Quite. Warm on the cool side, Nice!
Been hicking at 'Airport Mesa'. Took some pictures.

Airport Masa
Bell Rock from Airport Masa A lonely tree growing out of a rock This looks like lave. Strange because there is no volcano around.
Woke up at 4:00am local time. That means 6:00am at home, that means I over slept an hour. :-)
Yesterday I went to 'Bell Rock' and hicked and took pictures. Boy is it nice here!
I'm hurting a little this morning. Little out of shape, I think!
A little lizard just went running up the wall. I wonder if that was an insurance agent. You know "Gico" or is that "Gaco"?
I'm sitting here without a timepiece wondering what time it is. We start checking in at the seminar at 9:00am. People are going that way and not coming back. Guess me too.
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  Last Update: April 9, 2004 12:34 PM  

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